Create a Classroom or School Google+ Community

Google+ Community

A Google+ community is a forum where people with common interests come together to interact on the Web. This would be an ideal tool for schools who use Google Apps in Education. Every student or teacher in your school can set up a Google+ account (Google’s version of Facebook) and join your learning community.

Features of Your Class/School Google+ Community

  • Make your community private 
  • Invite your students and other teachers to your class/school community
  • You can start a Google Hangout with your students or colleagues


  • Edit your community information, provide a description, and include different classroom categories (ex. discussions, homework, projects, etc.)



  • Community Feed: Post discussion topics or share content with classmates


  • You can share any site that has a Google+ button onto your class’s feed



Check out my EdTech Google+ community to see an example!